Birthday Card

Handy Tips:
-For the scalloped circle on this card I drew a 2 inch circle on the backside of a yellow plaid paper using my Circle Ruler from EK Success. Drawing on the back keeps me from having to erase pencil marks later. I then cut along the drawn circle using a scalloped edging scissor from Provo Craft. If you don't have such a handy tool as a circle ruler, trace around caps, lids, plates, and whatever you can find. You'll be surprised at how many round objects you can find!
- Distressing paper. To distress the blue plaid rectangle and the yellow scalloped circle on this card I just rubbed them along the edges with 220 grit sandpaper. (That's pretty fine grit.) You can also get some fun distressing by crumpling the paper first and then sanding it and also by sanding the paper on top of textured surfaces like a wrinkly paper grocery sack or a rock.