Photo Shoot

When my good friend Lindsey asked me to take some pictures of her and her daughter Sadie I was excited, but terrified! I'm really only an amateur. Thankfully they are both great models! I had a blast and learned a lot.

I did a little touching up in Photoshop afterward. I warmed up the pictures by changing the curves on the blue channel to add more yellow. (Sunlit pictures tend to be blue.) I didn't have to do much else in the way of color correction, everything was already pretty saturated which I liked, but I did mess with the levels to bring out the lights and darken the darks.

I smoothed Sadie's skin on her close-up on her mom's skirt to enhance her baby-soft skin. I did this by duplicating the image and then applying a Gaussian blur of about 5.3 pixels. I then erased around the sharp edges and details like her eyes and nose and such using a soft-edged brush. I may have also changed the opacity of the blurred layer to allow more of the original picture to shine through. I just can't remember.


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