I can tu-tu, can you?

Skill level: Easier that easy
-20 inches of 1 inch wide elastic (or enough to go around your little girl's waist)
-3 1/2 yds tulle (cost about $1/yd at JoAnn's, less if you use a coupon) (The brighter colors seem to work best.)
1. Begin by cutting your tulle into 6" by 20" rectangles.
I found an easy way to do this was to start by folding the tulle in thirds lengthwise. (Tulle comes 60" wide so this divides it into three 20" sections.)
Next, use your rotary cutter or scissors to cut 6" strips.
Then, run your scissors along the two fold lines to divide each strip into 3 pieces.
(This sounds more complicated than it is. Click on the picture below for a visual explanation.)

2. Overlap the ends of the elastic to form a ring. Make sure there are no twists. Sew the ends together.
3. Tie each 6" by 20" rectangle around the elastic making sure the ends are even. (See below.)

I love tutu's. We just had a craft night and made them. Something that makes them easier is to buy the tulle in the 6" spools and then cut them to the desired length...i've done both ways and it does save lots of time!!