Birthday Crown

This sweet little girl below is turning ONE this week. What an important birthday! To emphasize the importance of such a wonderful day I thought it was only fitting that this little princess ought to have a crown. Here's what I came up with, and guess what? I actually have the PATTERN done and posted below! No waiting this time!

I got the original idea from these darling crowns from this etsy store. Because my crown follows Rubyellen's so closely, I ask that you only use this pattern for personal use. Sorry, no selling.
One thing that I wish I could have done was to add darling decorative stitching to the bottom of my crown like Rubyellen does. Alas, the decorative stitches on my little Kenmore are limited.
Click on the thumbnail picture below to open up the pattern file. You will need Adobe Reader to see and print it. It's free, and you can download it here.
- 9x12 piece of light blue felt
- 9x12 piece of off-white felt
- Scrap piece of green felt
- 3 1/2" x 16" piece of flannel
- 8" piece of 3/4" elastic
- 2 small buttons
- Green embroidery floss (optional)
1.Cut rose center, petals, small flowers, and crown backs out of light blue felt. Cut crown front out of off-white felt and leaves out of green.
(*For the crown front and backs, I recommend cutting out an extra set of patterns pieces for both and taping them together along the fold line to make one complete crown pattern instead of a half. When you cut out the crown, you'll get a much crisper peak this way than if you fold the felt in half and use the half pattern piece. Why didn't I just make the whole crown pattern? good question. The whole crown length is longer than a sheet of paper and I wanted you to be able to print out your pieces all on one sheet.)2. Roll the rose center starting at the small end and rolling toward the large end. Secure with a few stitches through the bottom.

4. Stitch petals to the rose center along the bottom starting with the three small petals. Overlap the edges of the petals as you go.
When you finish, you may want to fold over and out the edges of the large petals to give it a more realistic rose look. It kind of softens the whole rose.

5. Stitch along the straight edge of the leaves and pull the thread tight to gather. Secure thread.
I did the following to soften the bright green color of my felt and add a little detail, but it is totally optional. Looks great without it. I sewed along the edges of my leaves using a blanket stitch. I also sewed along the middle using a running stitch. That's all.
6. Stitch the leaves to the bottom of the rose.
7. Sew the rose to the center of the off-white crown front. Place one small flower on top of another below the other two crown peaks, rotating the top flower so that all six petals are showing. Secure to each other and the crown front by sewing a button through the centers.
8. Center and sew crown front to one blue crown back about 1/8" from the edge of the off-white crown front.

9. Sew remaining blue back to, well, the back. Again about 1/8" from the edge leave the short sides unsewn so that the elastic piece can be inserted in and sewn in place.
10. Fold the 3 1/2" x 16" flannel piece in half, right sides together. Sew along long edge about 1/4" from the edge. Turn inside out. Insert 8" piece of elastic inside securing at both ends.
10. Fold the 3 1/2" x 16" flannel piece in half, right sides together. Sew along long edge about 1/4" from the edge. Turn inside out. Insert 8" piece of elastic inside securing at both ends.

11. Insert flannel covered elastic piece ends about 1/2" or so into the open short sides of the crown and sew in place to complete the crown. Be sure elastic is not twisted before you sew it in.
I thought it wasn't loading, but it just took a while. Definitely worth waiting for!
Thanks very much
When I blog about her birthday on Tuesday I will be adding a link to you. Thanks again!
:) Autumn
Thanks a lot!
could you possibly email it to me at if you have it?