New Paintings

I'm getting things going on Liam's bedroom redo little by little. I finished these two paintings just in time for his birthday, and I am pleased. (If you like them and have a little ambition, the line drawings are below so you can do a little paint by number version yourself. Just click on the pictures to get larger images.)

You might recognize the rocket from Liam's birthday invitations. If you are a "Who-vian" (the British Equivalent of a "Trek-y"), you might recognize the robot as the reoccurring Cyberman villain in the Dr. Who series. Because I don't own the rights to the cyberman likeness, I ask that anything you make with the following line drawings be for personal use only.

I'm always curious to see where others' inspiration comes from. Maybe you are too. If so, keep reading.

My initial idea came from this series of paintings by Yuko Lau on Here are a couple. Cute, huh?


seriously you are killing me with all your great stuff! this would look amazing in my boys room!

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