Halloween Sewdown Linky

Thank you all for joining me this week. Although it has been productive (and fun), a week just wasn't enough. The kids costumes are done, but I still have Will's and half of mine to finish. I'm hoping some of the rest of you are still sewing it up too. Misery loves company. (Well, not misery exactly, I like sewing, I just don't like sewing with a deadline. Alas, farewell to my Project Runway dreams.)

For those of you lucky enough to be done already, here is the linky list. Feel free to upload your Halloween creations from this year or those of Halloween past. This may just be me and you, but I'd still love to see what you've made. (Please link to your specific Halloween post versus a generic link to your blog. I'm blind as a bat and may not find it otherwise.)

I'll leave the list up through Nov. 1st so that my midnight hour sewist friends, if you exist other than in my mind, can still upload too.

Should I start a Flikr group too for those of you who may not have blogs too? Let me know.

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pinksuedeshoe said…
I will probably be sewing in the car on the way to my first costume party. Or I might go held together with pins. I'm not against that. Creamie's is done, but mine? Well, mine is scattered in bits all over my house. Let's just say that. :o) I can't wait to see yours!

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