Project Toddler Runway? I'm there.
I've been following (and loving) Project Toddler Runway with Shwin and Shwin and thought I'd join in on the fun. (Well, join in on the fun with my own deadlines. I don't sew well under pressure. I get all tense with a severe case of sewist block.) The first week was a "Shirt Off Your Back" theme. I've never been very good at refashioning, but I thought I'd give it a try. I've been working on a pattern and thought I'd use one of Will's torn shirts as a hopefully wearable muslin. After all, if it didn't work out, no big loss, and I had to try out the pattern anyway.
Definitely wearable and cute to boot!

I didn't want to do just another normal men's shirt to girl's shirt dress refashion. Don't get me wrong, there are some cute ones out there, but I wanted to push it a little further. So, I moved the center seam over and did a fun rounded fold-over collar.

Teagan was a trooper, but we soon discovered it was WAY too cold to be outside without a coat.

"Please Mommy, can we go in now? I'm done."

"Of course Sweetie."

Oh, and here's the "Before." I'm kind of sad it got ripped. I rather liked this shirt and it wasn't very old either, but at least Teagan has a cute dress now. "When life throws you lemons..." I guess.

Teagan was a trooper, but we soon discovered it was WAY too cold to be outside without a coat.

"Please Mommy, can we go in now? I'm done."

"Of course Sweetie."

Oh, and here's the "Before." I'm kind of sad it got ripped. I rather liked this shirt and it wasn't very old either, but at least Teagan has a cute dress now. "When life throws you lemons..." I guess.