Thank You!

I won the serger! Thank you all for your kind words and support! Our video now has over 1,500 hits! I'm still floored by that!

Hopefully with a serger, you'll see a few more new outfits like this one around here:

When I made this top originally, I mentioned I might be giving away the exact same shirt to some friends having babies. Well, I never ended up doing it, but then I just loved the way this version turned out and had to make two more! So I guess those babies will get outfits after all.

And that my dear friends is the reason why I've used almost all of this striped fabric.

The back is pretty dang cute too. I saw a lot of it as I tried to take pictures. Man, this little girl is fast!


Unknown said…
I was going to be shocked if you didn't win. A big congrats, your sewing skills deserve a serger. Enjoy!
Rae said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am SOOO happy for you!! Way to go!!

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